The AsyncTree interface

The AsyncTree interface is a simple and flexible way to represent a wide variety of data types as trees. It defines an asynchronous dictionary, essentially a minimalist async JavaScript Map, that can be nested to create trees.

Async trees

An async tree is a collection of nodes which are key/value dictionaries, also known as an associative array.

  • You can ask an async tree node for its keys.
  • With a key, you can ask a node to give you the corresponding value associated with that key.
  • The value may be another node in the tree, or the value may be any other type of JavaScript data.
  • The set of keys you get back may not be complete. That is, the node may have keys that it can handle that it chooses not to return in the set of keys it will give you.
  • The node may (or may not) allow you set the value associated with a given key.
  • All these node operations — obtaining its keys, getting the value for a given key, and optionally setting the value for a given key — may be asynchronous.

Such a construct is sufficiently flexible to encompass many types of data.

AsyncTree interface definition

JavaScript does not have a first-class representation of interfaces, but a tree node supporting the AsyncTree interface looks like this:

const tree = {
  // Get the value of a given key.
  async get(key) { ... }

  // Iterate over this tree node's keys.
  async keys() { ... }

  // Optional: set the value of a given key.
  async set(key, value) { ... }

Some notes on the JavaScript shown above:

  • The keys method must return an iterator. An iterator is an object that can produce a sequence of values. A tree’s keys method can return an instance of a JavaScript class like Array and Set that support the iterator protocol, or keys can return an iterator defined by other means.

  • Both functions in the AsyncTree interface are marked with the async keyword, indicating that they are asynchronous functions. In practice, the functions may return immediately, but they have the potential, at least, to do work that will require a bit of time: retrieving data from the file system, accessing data from a network, or performing long calculations.

  • The keys method does not have to return all the keys supported by get! There may be keys that get can handle that the keys will not include. This turns out to be useful in a number of situations.

  • An async tree’s get method is expected to return undefined if the key is not present in the tree.

In TypeScript, the interface looks roughly like:

interface AsyncTree {
  get(key: any): Promise<any>;
  keys(): Promise<IterableIterator<any>>;
  set?(key: any, value: any): Promise<this>;

Representing a simple tree

Suppose we want to represent the small tree used in the introduction to the ori command-line tool:

g Alice Hello, Alice. ->Alice Alice Bob Hello, Bob. ->Bob Bob Carol Hello, Carol. ->Carol Carol

The small circle on the left is a tree node with three keys (“Alice”, “Bob”, “Carol”) that correspond to three values (“Hello, Alice”, etc.). This can be represented in the AsyncTree interface as:

const tree = {
  // Get the value of a given key.
  async get(key) {
    return `Hello, ${key}.`;

  // Return this tree node's keys.
  async keys() {
    return ["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"];

Traversing an async tree

If we wish to display the keys and values in the above tree, we can write:

// Display a tree.
// Loop over the tree's keys.
for (const key of await tree.keys()) {
  // For a given key, get the value associated with it.
  const value = await tree.get(key);
  // Display the key and value.
  console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);

This produces the output:

Alice: Hello, Alice.
Bob: Hello, Bob.
Carol: Hello, Carol.


Instead of directly defining a class or object that implements the AsyncTree interface, you can make use of various wrappers that will turn something into an async tree version:

  • FileTree can wrap a file system folder
  • FunctionTree can wrap a JavaScript function and an optional domain
  • ObjectTree can wrap a plain JavaScript object or array
  • SiteTree can wrap a web site