This tutorial introduces the basics of ori. If you’d like to run the samples yourself, you can do that in two ways:
Option 1: Web-hosted GitHub Codespaces coding environment
GitHub Codespaces is a web-based version of VS Code, a popular editor for professional software developers. Codespaces is a fee-based service, but free GitHub accounts include a monthly amount of free use of Codespaces.
Open the ori introduction on GitHub.
Create your own copy of the project by clicking the Fork button near the top.
In your newly-created copy of the ori intro project, click the Code button, then the Codespaces tab, then click the button Create codespace on main.
In the GitHub Codespaces terminal window, install the ori command-line interface:
$ npm install -g weborigami/origami
Change to the src
$ cd src
Option 2: Your local coding environment
With this option, you can use whatever code editor you prefer. You will need to have Node.js installed.
Clone the WebOrigami/ori-intro repository to your own machine.
Open a terminal window in the project’s root directory.
Install the ori command-line interface:
$ npm install -g weborigami/origami
Change to the src
$ cd src
Next: Basic usage ยป