Serving trees

Serve a tree

You can serve any tree with the @serve function. For example, the sample site.yaml file defines a tiny tree with two web pages:

$ ori site.yaml
index.html: |
  <!DOCTYPE html>
      <a href="about/">About</a>

  index.html: |
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <p>This site is defined in a YAML file.</p>

The tree looks like this:

g index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h1>… ->index.html index.html about ->about about about/index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h1>… about->about/index.html index.html

You can serve this tiny site directly from the file:

$ ori @serve site.yaml
Server running at http://localhost:5000

If you open the indicated URL in your browser, you’ll be able to browse between the two pages in the site. The YAML file defines a tree, and the server translates each HTTP URL into a tree traversal.

Press Ctrl+C to stop the server.

Serve a folder

You can serve any tree. To serve the current folder:

$ ori @serve .
Server running at http://localhost:5000

This effectively lets ori work as a static file server.

As a shorthand, you can omit the period (.). If you don’t specify a tree to serve, @serve serves up the current folder.

$ ori @serve
Server running at http://localhost:5000

Serve a transformed tree of stuff

You can ask ori to serve data transformed on demand into HTML using map and the template we saw earlier.

$ ori "@serve @map greetings.yaml, template.js"
Server running at http://localhost:5000

You can browse to one of the defined pages like http://localhost:5000/Alice. You’ll see “Hello, Alice.” rendered in HTML. Due to the lazy nature of async trees and map, that rendering work is only done on request.

Transforming data into static files and then serving

Earlier you saw how you can transform a tree and save the results as files.

$ ori "@copy @map(greetings.yaml, template.js), @files/html"
$ ls html
Alice   Bob     Carol

If you serve the html folder created this way, the user experience will be the same as above, when the HTML pages were generated dynamically by map:

$ ori @serve html
Server running at http://localhost:5000

You can perform a copy operation like the one in this example in preparation for deploying HTML pages to a static web server. The web page you’re reading right now was created and deployed in exactly that way.

Inspect a live web site

The web site you’re reading now supports viewing its contents as an async tree, so you can reference it directly in ori. For example, this site includes a route /samples/greetings/. You can pass that URL to ori with the custom tree: protocol to treat that route as an async tree, and display all the files at that route:

$ ori tree://
Alice: Hello, Alice.
Bob: Hello, Bob.
Carol: Hello, Carol.

While the result above may look like a YAML file, each of those lines is actually coming from a separate web resource.

$ ori
Hello, Alice.

ori can discover all the resources at the /samples/greetings/ route because this server supports a simple protocol: for every route on this server, a .keys.json file exists that enumerates the resources at that route.

$ ori

When you ask to view a route via tree, ori asks that server for its .keys.json file, then uses that information to traverse all the resources at that route.

Making the full contents of a site more freely available might be concerning to some people, but most web content is already available to users; it’s just not conveniently inspectable. ori extends the spirit of the browser’s View Source feature, which looks at a single web page at a time, to let you inspect everything at a particular web route.

Copy a live web site to local files

You can also use ori to copy a website as an async tree to local files:

$ ori @copy tree://, @files/snapshot
$ ls snapshot
Alice Bob   Carol

While some people may balk at letting people freely copy web resources to their own machine, there are plenty of cases where the entire point of the site is to make information freely available.

Of course, just because copying a site is possible doesn’t mean it’s efficient. If you regularly need to copy web resources to local files, there are faster tools for that job. But if you only do that infrequently, the general-purpose ori may suffice.


This concludes the ori introduction. As you’ve seen, ori is useful for

  • invoking JavaScript functions from the shell
  • parsing arguments from the command line and passing those to JavaScript functions
  • passing files and folder trees to JavaScript functions
  • capturing function output to files
  • working with trees defined in JSON/YAML files, the file system, or web sites
  • serving trees to a web browser

Reviewer’s note: Feel free to experiment further with ori if you’d like, but understand that it’s a research project and will undergo further change. Anyone interested in using it should be in contact with Jan Miksovsky, and at this stage should be prepared to participate in the project at some level beyond just filing bug reports and expecting those bugs to be fixed.


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