
How references in Origami expressions are resolved

Most Origami expressions contain references to named functions, files, data keys, etc., which must be resolved in order to evaluate the expression. For example, consider the formula:

message = greet.js()

Or the ori command:

$ ori greet.js/

In these examples, where does Origami look for the definition of greet.js function? And if greet.js is defined in multiple places, which definition will be used? Origami answers these questions by defining a scope that is used to evaluate any expression.

Scope in Origami is based on trees

Suppose we have a project with a file system hierarchy like:


And suppose that the file site.ori defines a tree:

  index.html = greet.js(name)
  name = "Alice"

The reference to greet is resolved by treating the entire project as a tree:

g package.json { "name": "Sample" } ->package.json package.json About this project -> src/ ->src/ src/ src/assets/ src/->src/assets/ assets/ src/greet.js export default function greet() … src/->src/greet.js greet.js src/site.ori { index.html = greet.js(name) name =… src/->src/site.ori site.ori src/assets/image1.jpg [binary data] src/assets/->src/assets/image1.jpg image1.jpg

When Origami needs to resolve the greet.js reference, it walks “up” this tree:

  • It starts by looking for greet.js inside the site.ori file. This defines index.html and name, but not greet.js, so Origami moves up a level to the src folder that contains the file.
  • In the src folder, Origami does find greet.js. It dynamically loads that module and takes its default export as greet. The search ends there.
  • Depending on how Origami was invoked, if src didn’t define greet.js, Origami could continue walking up the file system hierarchy into the project’s root folder. (See Define a project root.)
  • The last place Origami would look is the base scope, which by default is Origami’s collection of built-in functions. (See Define a custom base scope.)

As with block scoping in programming languages (see below), in tree scoping the search only goes up the tree. If you want to go back deeper into the tree, you must make an explicit reference using paths:

  • For example, a formula in site.ori could obtain the project’s name via package.json/name, because package.json is in scope.
  • If a formula in site.ori wants to reference the image image1.jpg, it will have to do that as assets/image1.jpg, because assets is in scope but image1.jpg isn’t.

Like block scope in programming languages

Tree scope in Origami is inspired by block scope in traditional, block-oriented programming languages like JavaScript. Consider the following JavaScript sample:

const power = 2;

// Return the sum of the squares from 1 to n.
function sumSquares(n) {
  let total = 0;
  for (const i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    const squared = Math.pow(i, power);
    const newTotal = total + squared; // What variables can be referenced here?
    total = newTotal;
  return total;

The line that defines newTotal can “see” the following variables in scope, each defined by a different level of the code’s block structure:

  • squared is defined inside the same for block
  • i is defined by the for loop
  • n and total is defined inside the same function
  • sumSquares and power are defined at the module’s top level
  • Math and other global objects are defined by the language and the environment

Scope in Origami works the same way, but instead of working up a hierarchy of lexical programming blocks, Origami scope works its way up a hierarchy of folders and data.

Scope depends on location

The scope used by an Origami expression depends on where that expression is defined, not how it is called.

Suppose a project has the following structure:


And the site.ori program defines some data:

  data: {
    title: "My site"
  index.html = index.ori()

where the data is of interest to the template in index.ori:

// Won't work
`<h1>${ data/title }</h1>`

Even though the site.ori program is calling index.ori, the scope available to index.ori depends on where it is defined: in the src folder. So that scope in that file searches, in order:

  • Inside index.ori
  • The src folder
  • The project’s root folder
  • The project’s configuration (see below)
  • The Origami built-in functions

The cleanest way to make the data available to index.ori is for site.ori to pass it as an argument:

// site.ori
  data: {
    title: "My site"
  index.html = index.ori(data)

which index.ori then accepts as a parameter:

// index.ori
(data) => `<h1>${ data/title }</h1>`

This produces:

$ ori site.ori/index.html
<h1>My site</h1>

Another approach would be to have index.ori itself look for site.ori (which is in scope because that file is also in the src folder), and then extract the data:

// index.ori
() => `<h1>${ site.ori/data/title }</h1>`

Even though both site.ori and index.ori are referencing each other, both references will work. In some cases this approach may be appropriate, but in most cases it will be simpler to pass the data as an argument as shown above.

Extend the language by leveraging scope

You can use this system to make new functions available to any part of Origami — the ori CLI, the Origami template system, or .ori files to define trees. All you need to do is make a JavaScript file available somewhere in scope.

In the example above, placing a file like greet.js in the same folder as the site.ori file makes the greet function available to expressions in site.ori.

Determine what’s public with project structure

Tree scope lets you use the file system structure of your project as one way to configure what’s available to your own code as well as what’s available to end users.

You can take advantage of tree scope to hide internal details. If the sample project above publishes the contents of site.ori, a user will be able to browse to the index.html page defined in that file — but the user will not be able to see greet.js or

Project configuration

Origami’s scope includes all folders from the current folder up to the project root. The root folder is determined by:

  • The closest folder in the hierarchy that contains an Origami config.ori file. See Configuration for details.
  • The closest folder in the hierarchy that contains a Node.js package.json file.

If neither of these files exists, then the current folder is taken to be the project root.

Accessing scope in JavaScript functions

When the ori CLI calls a JavaScript function, the this value inside that function will be the scope defined at that point in the project. This allows a JavaScript function to use the same Origami scope mechanism inside JavaScript.

For example, suppose you have a file called sample.txt:

This is a text file.

A JavaScript file accessScope.js in that same folder (or in a subfolder) can read the current Origami scope from the functions this value:

// When the ori CLI invokes this function, `this` will be the current scope.
export default async function accessScope() {
  // Read the sample.txt file from scope.
  const sample = await this.get("sample.txt");
  return sample;

Evaluating this will display the file:

$ ori accessScope.js/
This is a text file.