Working with text documents

Text documents are an extremely common file type used in the creation of sites and many other software artifacts. Origami includes some features for working with text documents that may or may not have additional data associated with them.

Plain text

Some text files contain just plain text, like this markdown file:

$ ori
I write, erase, rewrite
Erase again, and then
A poppy blooms.

If you ask Origami to unpack this file by appending a slash, it returns the plain text as is:

$ ori
I write, erase, rewrite
Erase again, and then
A poppy blooms.

Document objects

To include additional data in text documents, you can include it as “front matter” in YAML or JSON format at the top of the document, enclosed in lines of --- three hyphens:

$ cat
author: Basho

No one travels
Along this way but I,
This autumn evening.

To represent text with data consistently, Origami will generally work with it as a plain object. The plain object’s properties include the front matter data and an additional @text property with the body text.

If you ask Origami to unpack this file:

$ ori
author: Basho
"@text": |
  No one travels
  Along this way but I,
  This autumn evening.

You can see that Origami is treating the body text as a @text property. In JSON format:

$ ori json
  "author": "Basho",
  "@text": "\nNo one travels\nAlong this way but I,\nThis autumn evening.\n"

Here, the json command implicitly unpacks the document, so the trailing / slash is unnecessary.

You can create a text document from plain text with the document builtin.

Origami front matter

You can also write an Origami expression in a document’s front matter.

Origami uses the following heuristic to determine whether your document’s front matter is YAML/JSON or Origami:

  • Find the first character in the front matter that’s not whitespace, a letter, a number, or whitespace.
  • If this character is (, ., /, or {, then the front matter is parsed as an Origami expression.
  • Otherwise, the front matter is parsed as YAML/JSON.

Example: the file contains:

  timestamp: new:Date("2026-01-01")

This document will have a timestamp property attached to it.

The first relevant character in the front matter is a {, so the front matter is parsed as an Origami expression. The body of the document is attached to the result as a @text property.

$ ori
timestamp: 2026-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
"@text": |
  This document will have a timestamp property attached to it.

This technique can be used to attach complex data to a document.

Working on documents with builtin functions

Origami builtins that work on text, like inline and mdHtml, can work on both plain text documents and document objects.

If you give a builtin function plain text, you get back plain text. For example, mdHtml transforms plain markdown text into plain HTML text:

$ ori mdHtml
<p>I write, erase, rewrite
Erase again, and then
A poppy blooms.</p>

If you give the builtin a document object, you get back a new document object that preserves the original front matter data as properties and a text property that contains the transformed text:

$ ori mdHtml
author: Basho
"@text": |
  <p>No one travels
  Along this way but I,
  This autumn evening.</p>