Origami language syntax

The Origami language is relatively small and focused on:

  • Defining tree structures like that of a website’s pages and resources
  • Traversing paths into trees of data or files
  • Creating text content using templates
  • Invoking functions defined in other languages like JavaScript

Origami expression syntax generally follows JavaScript, with some differences such as: URLs, file paths, and file names are valid references; and some shorthands make it easier to type expressions in the shell when using the CLI.

Microsoft Visual Studio Code users can install the Origami language extension for syntax highlighting.


Strings use single or double quotes:


You can escape characters with a \ backslash:

'It\'s great'

Since command lines often process both single and double quotes, Origami also supports the use of French-style « and » guillemet quote characters:

$ ori «Hello»

On macOS, you can type the « character with Option+Backslash, and the » character with Option+Shift+Backslash. On Windows, you can type Alt+0171 and Alt+0187, respectively.


On their own, integers or floating-point numbers are treated as JavaScript Number values.


Numbers that appear in paths are treated as strings:


searches in the years tree for the key “2023”.


Unquoted character sequences will be evaluated in the current scope to find, for example, a file or other tree value with the indicated name.

$ ls
$ cat Hello.md
Hello, world.
$ ori Hello.md
Hello, world.

In the last command above, Hello.md is evaluated as a reference. In this case, it finds the local file, Hello.md, so ori displays the contents of that file.

Unlike JavaScript identifiers, it is legal to include a . period in a reference. Spaces and the following characters


must be escaped with a \ backslash.

Object literals

Object literals are created with { and } curly braces, and contain key/value pairs:

  name: "Alice"
  location: "Honolulu"

You can separate key/value pairs with commas, newlines, or both. Keys should not be quoted.

As with references (above), you can use periods in keys. Escape any special characters like spaces:

  Test\ File.txt: "Sample text"

You can also put keys in single or double quotes:

  "Test File.txt": "Sample text"

As a shorthand, you can define a property with just a key. The key will be used as a reference (above) that will look up that key in the current scope.

  // Include the project's ReadMe.md file in this object

The value in a key/value pair will be evaluated once when the object is loaded. The following object, for example, evaluates getName() only once:

  name: getName()

Object property getters

If you’d like a value to be calculated every time it’s requested, you can create a property getter. You create a property getter in Origami by using an = equals sign to define the property instead of a : colon.

  index.html = greet.js()

This .ori expression defines a getter called index.html. Each time the object is asked for index.html, it will invoke the JavaScript function exported by greet.js.

Object nesting

Objects can be deeply nested.

One use for this is to define the overall structure of a website in a .ori file:

  // Include the entire `assets` folder

  about: {
    // Generate the index page for the "About" area
    index.html = about.ori()

When this file is served as a site, the user will be able to browse to about/index.html.

Array literals

Arrays use [ ] square brackets.

[1, 2, 3]

As with object literals (above), you can separate array items with commas, newlines, or both:


Spread operator

You can use ... three periods or the single ellipsis character to merge arrays and objects.

$ ori tree1.yaml
a: The letter A
b: The letter B
c: This will be overwritten when merged
$ ori tree2.yaml
c: The letter C
d: The letter D
e: The letter E
$ ori { ...tree1.yaml, ...tree2.yaml }
a: The letter A
b: The letter B
c: The letter C
d: The letter D
e: The letter E

In an .ori file, you can use this to merge a folder into an object that also defines individual files.

  index.html: "Hello!"

  // Merge in everything in the `styles` folder

The built-in @merge function performs this same operation as a function.

Template literals

Text templates are quoted in backticks and can contain Origami expressions inside ${ } placeholders.

$ cat pet.txt
$ cat sample.ori
`I have a pet named ${ pet.txt }.`
$ ori sample.ori/
I have a pet named Fluffy.

Function calls

You can invoke a function with parentheses:


The arguments to a function will be evaluated, then the function will be invoked:

$ ori sample.txt
This is a text file.
$ ori uppercase.js
export default (x) => x.toString().toUpperCase();
$ ori "uppercase.js(sample.txt)"

To make it easier for you to invoke functions in the command line, Origami expressions also let you use implicit parentheses for function calls. For example, the above can also be written as:

$ ori uppercase.js sample.txt

In some situations, you can also avoid the need for parentheses by using a / slash; see below.


Paths are a sequence of string keys separated with / slashes.


The head of the path, like tree here, is resolved as a reference. If that returns a treelike object, it will be traversed using the remaining keys “with”, “path”, “to”, and “something”. Treelike objects include object literals and hierarchical data in JSON and YAML files:

$ ori greetings.yaml
Alice: Hello, Alice.
Bob: Hello, Bob.
Carol: Hello, Carol.
$ ori greetings.yaml/Alice
Hello, Alice.

In Origami, functions are a type of tree, so a function can also be invoked with slash syntax:

$ ori greet.js
export default (name = "world") => `Hello, ${name}.`;
$ ori greet.js/David
Hello, David.

A function call using a slash like this lets you avoid having to quote parentheses in the command line.

If the greet.js function here is invoked with a trailing slash, that invokes the function with an undefined value for the name parameter. In this example, greet then uses a default name:

$ ori greet.js/
Hello, world.

URLs and protocols

URLs that start with a protocol like https: or http: are valid expressions:


When evaluated, the value of the expression will be the response to that network request.

In Origami, a protocol is just a function call, so you can write your own protocols:


is equivalent to:

fn('a', 'b', 'c')

The following protocols are reserved:

  • http:
  • https:
  • tree:
  • treehttp:
  • treehttps:

File paths

Paths that start with a leading / slash refer to absolute paths in the filesystem:


Similarly, paths that start with a leading ./ refer to relative paths, and paths that start with ../ refer to the current parent folder.

Paths can traverse into files of known file types like .json files:

$ ori /Users/alice/myProject/package.json
  "name": "Test project",
  "type": "module"
$ ori /Users/alice/myProject/package.json/name
Test project


You can group expressions with ( ) parentheses. Command shells generally interpret parentheses, so you will need to escape them with backslashes or quote the expression you want ori to evaluate.

Lambdas (unnamed functions)

An Origami expression can define a type of unnamed function called a lambda.

You can create the simplest form of a lambda function with an = equals sign:


This expression will not be evaluated immediately, but only later when explicitly invoked.

For example, the @map built-in function can apply another function to a tree’s values and/or keys. To concisely define a function that will be evaluated in the context of each tree value, you can use a lambda:

$ cat letters.json
  "a": "The letter A",
  "b": "The letter B",
  "c": "The letter C"
$ cat uppercase.js
export default (x) => x.toString().toUpperCase();
$ ori "@map(letters.json, =uppercase.js(_))"

The _ underscore above refers to the value being mapped, so =uppercase.js(_) will convert the value to uppercase.

You can also define lambda functions with an expanded syntax using a “=>” (or the Unicode ⇒ Rightwards Double Arrow) that allows for multiple named parameters:

(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, …) => expression

The @map function shown above passes the mapping function the value and key being mapped — in that order — as arguments, so the above example can be rewritten:

$ ori "@map(letters.json, (description, letter) => uppercase.js(description))"

In this case, since the letter argument isn’t used, it can be omitted:

$ ori "@map(letters.json, (description) => uppercase.js(description))"

Pipe operator

Origami has a pipe operator (which can also be written ->) for representing a sequence of function calls. This can be used to avoid deep call nesting.

These deeply-nested function calls:


can be rewritten using the pipe operator:

value → one → two → three

This can be useful when applying multiple transformations of data. Suppose an index page is generated from markdown and then placed inside a template:

  index.html = template.ori(@mdHtml(index.md))

You can rewrite the above using the pipe operator so that the flow of data reads proceeds from left to right:

  index.html = index.md → @mdHtml → template.ori

This may make the flow of data easier to see.

A number of Origami’s built-in functions have functional forms to facilitate their use in content pipelines constructed with the pipe operator.


Line comments start with // double slashes and extend to the end of the line:

// This is a line comment

Note: In a URL or file path (see above), Origami interprets consecutive double slashes as part of the path and not a comment.


Block comments are enclosed by /* */


Block comment


Reserved words

Generally speaking, the Origami expression language does not have reserved words, but:

  • Origami does include a number of built-in functions and values which will normally be in scope. All of them have names that start with an @ at sign. To the extent you can, avoid adopting names for your own functions or data members that begin with @.
  • A few protocols like https: are reserved for use in URLs.

Some of the Origami built-ins provide values which are normally reserved in a language, such as @true and @false values for true and false.

Instantiating classes

For interoperability with JavaScript classes, Origami supports a new: syntax for creating new class instances.

If the JavaScript file User.js exports a User class, then


is equivalent to the JavaScript new User("David").